El Golf era un juego exclusivo para hombres, incluso sus siglas así lo indican (Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden). Por ello los inicios del minigolf se encuentran relacionados con las mujeres y se considera oficialmente que se inició en Escocia, en el año 1867 en el Club de Mujeres de St. Andrews. En aquella época las mujeres no podían jugar al golf, especialmente por movimientos agresivos/masculinos, por lo que se creó el minigolf artificial para ellas, el cual consta de 18 hoyos cortos, llamados “putting greens”, surgiendo así el primer minigolf de la historia.
En las décadas siguientes, muchos hoteles ingleses y
estadounidenses optaron por ofrecer este tipo de golf a sus visitantes,
con diferentes nombres, desde “campos de golf putt”, “golf de jardín” o
el término más popular actualmente “minigolf”. Los hoyos intentaban ser
representaciones fieles de los reales, excepto por su tamaño, realizados
con una escala de 1:10.
Fue hasta el siglo XX que la construcción de campos
especiales de minigolf comenzó en masa, en especial a partir de 1922 año
en el cual se creo el césped artificial ideal para este tipo de
Tanto en Estados Unidos como en Europa, los años 20 fueron el boom del minigilf,
especialmente en los países nórdicos. Fue Suecia uno de los países con
más tradición que aún perdura, gracias sobretodo a Edwin O. Norrman y
Norman Eskil, quienes tras haber vivido en Estados Unidos, volvieron a
Suecia y crearon incuso su propia fábrica para construir minigolfs por
todo el país, incluyéndolos en recintos públicos. Es de hecho la Federación
Sueca de minigilf (Svenska Bangolfförbundet) fundada en 1937 la más antigua organización de minigolf en el mundo, y los campeonatos nacionales de minigolf de Suecia se han jugado cada año desde 1939.
Durante los años 30 y 40 fue cuando se popularizó el uso de obstáculos en los hoyos del minigolf,
aumentando así la dificultad de los mismos; ya que anteriormente apenas
se usaban curvas, desniveles y algún tubo. Desde los años 50, se ha
intentado promocionar el minigolf
en otros países del mundo, pero solo en EE.UU., Reino Unido, Nueva
Zelanda, Escandinavia y Europa central es donde se tiene una mayor
Ahora que ya conoces un poco más de este deporte, por
que no intentar jugar y que mejor que con tus amigos o familiares para
disfrutar de un excelente día.
One of the first documented minigolf courses in mainland Europe was built in 1926 by Fr. Schröder in Hamburg, Germany. Mr. Schröder had been inspired by his visit to the United States, where he had seen minigolf courses spreading across the country.
In 1930 Edwin O. Norrman and Eskil Norman returned to Sweden from the United States, where they had stayed for several years and witnessed the golden days of the American minigolf boom. In 1931 they founded a company "Norman och Norrmans Miniatyrgolf", and began manufacturing standardized minigolf courses for the Swedish market. During the following years they spread this new leisure activity across Sweden, by installing minigolf courses in public parks and other suitable locations.
Swedish minigolf courses typically had a rectangular wooden frame surrounding the playing area made of tennis field sand (while the American manufacturers used newly developed and patented felt as the surface of their minigolf courses). Felt did not become popular as a surface material in Sweden until in the mid 1960s but since then it has become practically the only surface material used in Scandinavia and Britain, due to its favorable playing qualities in wet weather. (Minigolf courses with a felt surface can be played in rainy weather, because water soaks through the felt into the ground. The other commonly used surface materials, beton and eternite, cannot be used in rainy weather, because the rainwater pools on them, stopping the ball from rolling.)
The Swedish Minigolf Federation (Svenska Bangolfförbundet) was founded in 1937, being the oldest minigolf sport organization in the world. National Swedish championships in minigolf have been played yearly since 1939. In other countries minigolf sport federations were not founded until the late 1950s, due to the post war economical depression.
In 1954, the minigolf course in Ascona (Switzerland) opened, the oldest course worldwide following the norms of Paul Bongni.
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One of the first documented minigolf courses in mainland Europe was built in 1926 by Fr. Schröder in Hamburg, Germany. Mr. Schröder had been inspired by his visit to the United States, where he had seen minigolf courses spreading across the country.
In 1930 Edwin O. Norrman and Eskil Norman returned to Sweden from the United States, where they had stayed for several years and witnessed the golden days of the American minigolf boom. In 1931 they founded a company "Norman och Norrmans Miniatyrgolf", and began manufacturing standardized minigolf courses for the Swedish market. During the following years they spread this new leisure activity across Sweden, by installing minigolf courses in public parks and other suitable locations.
Swedish minigolf courses typically had a rectangular wooden frame surrounding the playing area made of tennis field sand (while the American manufacturers used newly developed and patented felt as the surface of their minigolf courses). Felt did not become popular as a surface material in Sweden until in the mid 1960s but since then it has become practically the only surface material used in Scandinavia and Britain, due to its favorable playing qualities in wet weather. (Minigolf courses with a felt surface can be played in rainy weather, because water soaks through the felt into the ground. The other commonly used surface materials, beton and eternite, cannot be used in rainy weather, because the rainwater pools on them, stopping the ball from rolling.)
The Swedish Minigolf Federation (Svenska Bangolfförbundet) was founded in 1937, being the oldest minigolf sport organization in the world. National Swedish championships in minigolf have been played yearly since 1939. In other countries minigolf sport federations were not founded until the late 1950s, due to the post war economical depression.
In 1954, the minigolf course in Ascona (Switzerland) opened, the oldest course worldwide following the norms of Paul Bongni.
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